How To Give Yourself An Enema
Colon Cleansing
How And When To Be Your Own Doctor
Enemas have been medically out of favor for a long time. Most people
have never had one. So here are simple directions to self-administer
an effective enema series.
The enema bag you select is important. It must hold at least two
quarts and be rapidly refillable. The best American-made brand is
made of rubber with about five feet of rubber hose ending in one of
two different white hard plastic insertion t
ps. The bag is designed
for either enemas or vaginal douches. It hangs from a detachable
plastic "S" hook. When filled to the brim it holds exactly one-half
gallon. The maker of this bag offers another model that costs about
a dollar more and also functions as a hot water bottle. A good
comforter it may make, but the dual purpose construction makes the
bag very awkward to rapidly refill. I recommend the inexpensive
The plastic insertion tips vary somewhat. The straight tubular tip
is intended for enemas; the flared vaginal douche tip can be useful
for enemas too, in that it somewhat restrains unintentional
expulsion of the nozzle while filling the colon. However, its four
small holes do not allow a very rapid rate of flow.
To give yourself an enema, completely fill the bag with tepid water
that does not exceed body temperature. The rectum is surprisingly
sensitive to heat and you will flinch at temperatures only a degree
or two higher than 98 Fahrenheit. Cooler water is no problem; some
find the cold stimulating and invigorating. Fasters having
difficulty staying warm should be wary of cold water enemas. These
can drop core body temperature below the point of comfort.
Make sure the flow clamp on the tube is tightly shut and located a
few inches up the tube from the nozzle. Hang the filled bag from a
clothes or towel hook, shower nozzle, curtain rod, or other
convenient spot about four to five feet above the bathroom floor or
tub bottom. The higher the bag the greater the water pressure and
speed of filling. But too much pressure can also be uncomfortable.
You may have to experiment a bit with this.
Various body positions are possible for filling the colon. None is
correct or necessarily more effective than another. Experiment and
find the one you prefer. Some fill their colon kneeling and bending
forward in the bathtub or shower because there will likely be small
dribbles of water leaking from around the nozzle. Usually these
leaks do not contain fecal matter. Others prefer to use the bathroom
floor. For the bony, a little padding in the form of a folded towel
under knees and elbows may make the process more comfortable. You
may kneel and bend over while placing your elbows or hands on the
floor, reach behind yourself and insert the nozzle. You may also lie
on your back or on your side. Some think the left side is preferable
because the colon attaches to the rectum on the left side of the
body, ascends up the left side of the abdomen to a line almost as
high as the solar plexus, then transverses the body to the right
side where it descends again on the right almost to the groin. The
small intestine attaches to the colon near its lower-right
extremity. In fact these are the correct names given for the parts
of the colon: Ascending, Descending and Transverse Colon along with
the Sigmoid Colon or Rectum at the exit end.
As you become more expert at filling your colon with water you will
begin to become aware of its location by the weight, pressure and
sometimes temperature of the water you're injecting. You will come
to know how much of the colon has been filled by feel. You will also
become aware of peristalsis as the water is evacuated vigorously and
discover that sensations from a colon hard at work, though a bit
uncomfortable, are not necessarily pain.
Insertion of the nozzle is sometimes eased with a little lubricant.
A bit of soap or KY jelly is commonly used. If the nozzle can be
inserted without lubricant it will have less tendency to slip out.
However, do not tear or damage the anus by avoiding necessary
lubrication. After insertion, grip the clamp with one hand and open
it. The flow rate can be controlled with this clamp. Keeping a hand
on the clamp also prevents the nozzle from being expelled.
Water will begin flowing into the colon. Your goal is to empty the
entire bag into the colon before sensations of pressure or urgency
to evacuate the water force you to remove the nozzle and head for
the toilet. Relaxation of mind and body helps achieve this. You are
very unlikely to achieve a half-gallon fill up on the first attempt.
If painful pressure is experienced try closing the clamp for a
moment to allow the water to begin working its way around the
obstacle. Or, next time try hanging the bag lower, reducing its
height above the body and thus lowering the water pressure. Or, try
opening the clamp only partially. Or, try panting hard, so as to
make the abdomen move rapidly in and out, sort of shaking the colon.
This last technique is particularly good to get the water past a
blockage of intestinal gas.
It is especially important for Americans, whose culture does not
teach one to be tolerant of discomfort, to keep in mind that pain is
the body's warning that actual damage is being done to tissues.
Enemas can do no damage and pose no risk except to that rare
individual with weak spots in the colon's wall from cancers. When an
enema is momentarily perceived unpleasantly, the correct name for
the experience is a sensation, not pain. You may have to work at
increasing your tolerance for unpleasant sensations or it will take
you a long time to achieve the goal of totally filling the colon
with water. Be brave! And relax. A wise philosopher once said that
it is a rough Universe in which only the tigers survive--and
sometimes they have a hard time.
Eventually it will be time to remove the nozzle and evacuate the
water. Either a blockage (usually fecal matter, an air bubble, or a
tight 'U' turn in the colon, usually at either the splenetic, or
hepatic flexures located right below the rib cage) will prevent
further inflow (undesirable) or else the bag will completely empty
(good!) or the sensation of bursting will no longer be tolerable. Go
sit on the toilet and wait until all the water has passed. Then
refill the bag and repeat the process. Each time you fill the colon
it will allow more water to enter more easily with less
unpleasantness. Fasters and cleansers should make at least three
attempts at a complete fill-up each time they do an enema session.
Water and juice fasters will find that after the first few enemas,
it will become very easy to inject the entire half-gallon of water.
That is because there is little or no chime entering the colon.
After a few days the entire colon will seem (this is incorrect) to
be empty except when it is filled with water. This is the point to
learn an advanced self-administered enema technique. An average
colon empty of new food will usually hold about one gallon of water.
That is average. A small colon might only hold 3/4 gallon, a large
one might accept a gallon and a half, or even more. You'll need to
learn to simultaneously refill the bag while injecting water, so as
to achieve a complete irrigation of the whole colon. There are
several possible methods. You might try placing a pitcher or
half-gallon mason jar of tepid water next to the bag and after the
bag has emptied the first time, stand up while holding the tube in
the anus, refill the bag and then lie down again and continue
filling. You might have an assistant do this for you. You might try
hanging the bag from the shower head and direct a slow, continuous
dribble of lukewarm water from the shower into the bag while you
kneel or lie relaxed in the tub. This way the bag will never empty
and you stop filling only when you feel fullness and pressure all
the way back to the beginning of the ascending colon. Of course,
hanging from a slowly running shower head the bag will probably
overflow and you will get splashed and so will the bathroom floor
when your wet body moves rapidly from the tub to the toilet. I've
imagined making an enema bag from a two gallon plastic bucket with a
small plastic hose barb glued into a hole drilled in the bottom or
lower edge. If I were in the business of manufacturing enema bags
I'd make them hold at least one gallon.
A word of caution to those folks who have a pattern of overdoing it,
or tend to think that more is better. This is not true when it comes
to colon cleansing. Do not make more than three attempts to fill and
clean the colon with an enema bag. Usually the colon begins to
protest and won't accept any more fill-ups. When having colonics on
a colonic machine it is a good idea to continue until the water
comes back reasonably clear for that session. It is not a good idea
for a faster to have colonics that last more than three-quarters of
an hour to an hour maximum, or it will be too tiring. Even
non-fasters find colonics tiring. After all, the colon is basically
a big muscle that has become very lazy on a low-fiber diet.
I've personally administered over five thousand colonics, taught
several dozen fasters to self-administer their own and stood by
while they gave themselves one until they were quite expert. In all
that experience I've only seen one person have a seriously bad
result. This was a suicidally depressed water faster that I
(mistakenly) allowed to administer their own colonics with my
machine. This person not only took daily colonics, but allowed water
to flow through their colon for as long as two hours at a time.
Perhaps they were trying to wash out their mind? After several weeks
of this extreme excess, the faster became highly confused and
disoriented due to a severe electrolyte imbalance. They had to be
taken off water fasting immediately and recovered their mental
clarity in a few days. The loss of blood electrolytes happened
because during colonics there occurs a sort of low-grade very slow
reverse osmosis.